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Alfalah Islamic School   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Appleby College   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Chisholm Educational Centres   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Dearcroft Montessori School   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Glen Abbey Montessori School   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Halton Catholic District School Board   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Halton Catholic District School Board - Adult Learning Centre   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Halton District School Board   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Halton District School Board   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Halton District School Board   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Halton District School Board   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Halton District School Board   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)
Royal School Of Ontario   Oakville (Elementary And Secondary Schools)